Be part of the 2021 Sector Scorecard

To register for the sector scorecard, or to ask any questions about how to submit your data, please contact

You can also use our guide to help you with submitting your data. Read our guidance.

Please note that participation is not anonymous, as a sign of the sector's commitment to transparency.

Every organisation's results will be published in the final report. Results will be published in alphabetical order. They will not be ranked or displayed in a league table format. If you have any concerns about this please email us.

For the Sector Scorecard to be of real value it's important that you provide information for all of the indicators. For a lot of housing associations, this will be information that you are already collecting so it shouldn't be too difficult.

For smaller associations (less than 1,000 units), Acuity has kindly offered to provide additional support on collecting the data as some of this is information that smaller associations don’t currently need to report on.

Data gathering and analysis by